Annabella Wood


Unified Physics

The Nature of Matter


Everything happens by chance. Nothing in the material world is connected to anything else except as described by the forces of gravity, electricity and magnetism. There is no consciousness other than that emanating from our brains and there is and never has been anything in the universe more intelligent than us.

Nothing is connected to anything. All systems are constantly losing energy and moving toward chaos, also known as entropy.

We were taught that matter, such as our bodies is made of smaller things called molecules. Molecules are made up atoms which are made up of two main parts, the nucleus and the electron. The electron is considered a fundamental particle meaning it is not made up of smaller pieces. It orbits the nucleus at high speeds. The nucleus is made up of protons and neutrons. The electron is negatively charged and the proton is positively charged and the neutron has no charge. In an atom there is one electron for every proton so balance, and therefore stability is achieved. There is also something else in the atom that is not often mentioned, but is definitely there; space. The atom is actually 99% space. If the nucleus of an atom were the size of an orange sitting on the 50 yard line of a professional football field, what yard line would the electron be orbiting on? None. It would be circling around outside the grandstands! OK. Mostly space in an atom. So far, so good.

The nucleus of an atom is made up of protons, which are positively charged and neutrons, which don’t have a charge. This is where the clarity seems to end. There is a mystery about the nucleus of an atom which modern science has been unable to explain. What holds the nucleus of an atom together? We have heard forever that like charges repel and we can see numerous examples of this in the natural world. The classic example is to take two magnets with similar charge and try to get them to touch each other. Not easy to say the least.

So how is it that positively charged protons stay in such close proximity of each other in the nucleus of an atom? Common sense tells us that they should be flying apart instantly and matter would not exist at all. This problem has plagued physicists ever since protons were found to have positive charges. The repulsion force between two protons is very, very strong. It has been calculated and measured. So whatever force it is that holds them together must be stronger than the repulsion force. Protons love to be together. They hold on to each other very tightly. We can understand the magnitude of the force of attraction by looking at the energy released in an atomic bomb. The force of the bomb is created when the force of attraction between the protons is overcome and the repulsion force of the protons is released. That is what an atom bomb is. So what is it that holds these tiny little guys together so closely in an atom? Whatever it is it has to be very, very strong.

Quantum and Classical physicists have never been able to identify or describe where this force comes from, what kind of force is it, nor how it works. The forces we are aware of in the universe are electric, magnetic, gravitational. The electrical and magnetic forces both repel similar charges, so both of them will be pushing the protons apart from each other. The only possibility left is gravity, but gravity relies on size(mass) for strength, and the little proton is minuscule in size, so the gravitational force attracting one proton to another is insufficient to offset the repulsion force of the electric and magnetic forces pushing them apart. So gravity was ruled out as a possible explanation of this force. In order to not get bogged down by this pesky little question, “What holds the atom together?” scientists decided to name the force and move on to other less perplexing research. Since their research had shown that this force was extremely strong, they named it the strong force. In addition there is another similar force; similar in that it has not been defined nor explained by current physics, but has been observed and measured and it is called the weak force. We will discuss the weak force in greater length at another time.

So now in Quantum Physics there are four forces that hold an atom, and therefore all of the material world, together. We have the electric, magnetic, strong and weak forces. Notice however, that gravity is not in the quantum explanation of matter. Matter in classical physics such as little things like bee bees up to the galaxies in the cosmos is regulated by gravity, and gravity is a huge mover and shaker of all things bigger than a molecule. Yet it is not even included anywhere in the quantum explanation. This caused a rift in the study of physics. It seemed that atomic matter lived under one set of physical laws and bigger matter by a whole different set of physical laws. This rift became so big that the study of Physics split into two fields: Quantum Physics and Classical Physics.

When you stop and think about it, how could this possibly be, since the bigger stuff is made up of the smaller stuff? Einstein was dogged by this question and spent much of his life looking for what has come to be known as the “Holy Grail of Physics” the Unified Field Theory. The Unified Field Theory is one set of rules that govern all the stuff of any size in the material world. Though he never found it, he was sure it existed and that we had fundamentally misunderstood something about the nature of matter causing this rift between the two sciences. He is credited with saying that when the Unified Field Theory is found it will be simple and elegant. He also felt strongly that outer space and all space is full of something, though he didn't know what. He referred to it as “aether” and stated that something had to be in outer space in order for light to be able to travel. Light had to have a medium through which to travel. Therefore space could not be a vacuum. These statements seems to have been lost in all the excitement around his new science, Quantum Physics.

Other questions that have remained unanswered by either branch of Physics are such things as: What is matter? Where does it originate? What is life? What makes something alive? These questions have for the most part been relegated to other fields of study, such as philosophy, biology and other “unrelated” studies. Purist physicists dare not venture into such areas lest they lose their way, or something. I am not sure why, but what is clear is that classically trained physicists determine where the line between physics and philosophy is for them and they do not cross it, much to the detriment of our understanding of our world.

One non-classically trained physicist is a true renaissance man. He takes an open-minded common sense approach to physics and ventures into any field his research takes him. Nassim Haramein of the Resonance Foundation has spent his life in search of the lingering questions which other scientists have left unanswered. Inspired by the work of Einstein, Max Plank and Buckminster Fuller among others, he went back to the information put forth in Einstein’s work. Nassim had the thought, “If the scientists of Einstein’s day misinterpreted the meaning of Einstein’s work by just a little bit, a hundred years later (today) we would be way off track in our thinking.” Armed with an avid curiosity, a host of more information than Einstein had and an open mind, Nassim set about re-solving Einstein’s equations and went wherever the solutions led him.

The result of his work has given birth to what he calls Unified Physics. In Unified Physics there are no sharp lines between fields of study. Information from various disciplines is used to extrapolate sensible, understandable explanations of the questions that have haunted current day physics for decades. The conclusions are supported by solid math and completely replicable. The upshot is a science which people from all walks of life can understand, talk about and enjoy while building a whole new concept of the connectivity in our world and our place in it.

I call it the science of the new paradigm. Here on Earth it appears we are at a crossroads. We either learn and acknowledge the connection of all things, or we will perish along with most everything else on Earth by our own hand.

Should we decide to learn to live more harmoniously with our planet and the life here-on, we will need to understand the material world and the life we enjoy in ways different than the separatist views of current science. Unified Physics can go a long way to helping us as humans understand how important everything on Earth is and that includes us. It demonstrates our total connectivity and uber inter-dependance. So let’s take a look at a whole new way to see life, the world, the cosmos, and our place in it. It all starts with a new understanding of the nature of matter.


Everything is connected to everything else in the entire universe and it all works together to create greater complexity and order. Consciousness is a non-local event to which our brains are transceivers: they transmit and receive information (thought) but do not create it.

So let’s go back to our description of the nature of matter. Consider a piece of lead. It is made up of smaller things, lead molecules. They are made up of smaller things, lead atoms. What gives lead its unique qualities is the number of protons in its nucleus. For lead to be lead it has to have 82 protons. To be a stable lead atom it will also have 82 neutrons and 82 electrons along with the 82 protons. If one of the electrons is missing or one is added, it is still lead and still acts pretty much the way stable lead does. If a neutron is missing or added not much changes. But if a proton is missing then it becomes a whole different material; thallium. If a proton joins up with the lead atom then it becomes bismuth, something completely different again. So it is very important in the material world that the number of protons in a nucleus remain stable.

As discussed earlier it has long been a mystery what held two or more protons together in such close proximity as in the nucleus of an atom. The lead atom has 82 protons and 82 neutrons. That is a lot of holding together. Perhaps the answer of what holds protons together lies in the answer of what is a proton? Quantum physicists will tell you it is made up of quarks, but no one has ever seen a quark. It is simply a model that will give you explanations for some of the properties of protons which have been observed, though the hypothesized presence of quarks introduces entirely new questions of its own and goes nowhere in explaining the strong force. Let’s go along with this idea and say quarks exist. Following this line of thinking, what is a quark? Well, this brings us to the string theories among other ideas. The string theory leads to super strings, to m-theory and on and on. After 30 years of research by hundreds of theorists there has never been an experiment which could validate any of the ideas of string theory and string theory has never answered any of the basic questions that science has been contemplating for so long. And string theory is not simple either.

So let’s go back to the last place we have hard evidence that something exists; the proton. What is a proton and what is the force that holds it in a nucleus? The answer may be found in the fact that everything material is constantly spinning. Protons are spinning, as are neutrons, electrons, atoms, molecules and on and on. The planets are spinning, solar systems and galaxies are spinning. If we could ever get outside our galaxy we would probably see that it is spinning too. Spinning could be at the heart of the answer to the question, “What is matter?”.

To understand the importance of the fact that everything material is spinning, let’s use a metaphor of water in a tub. Say you have a tub filled with water and a rubber duck at the end away from the drain. The water is sitting still in the tub. If you look straight into the water you can’t even tell there is water there. Your eyes only pick it up if you look along the edge of the water. You can’t hear it. If you stick your finger into it you will feel the difference in the temperature of the water to your finger, but if the water is the same temperature as your finger you will hardly feel anything by putting your finger into the water.

Now pull the plug in the tub. What happens at the drain end? All of a sudden there is a lot going on there. You can see the water swirl as it spins into the drain. You can hear it make a distinct sound. If you put your finger into the vortex of water you will feel pressure against your skin as the water moves past it. And yet the rubber duck is just sitting pretty still at the other end of the tub. While far from the vortex it would not be attracted toward it very much. The duck would slowly move toward the drain along with the water is was sitting on. The closer it got to the vortex at the drain, the stronger the attraction and the faster it would move in that direction. Once near the drain it will start to spin around the drain until it would be spinning in place above the center of the vortex and would not leave the proximity of the drain as long as there is water enough to create the vortex.

So what is the difference between the water far from the drain and the water going down the drain that caused all those changes? The water near the drain was spinning. The molecules were moving together in a coherent pattern forming a vortex. That vortex interacted with our senses. Before the vortex, no interaction with our senses. They couldn’t pick it up. During the vortex, much interaction with our senses. We could see it, hear it and feel it. Was the vortex anything other than water? Was it something different than the rest of the water in the tub? Of course not. It was water. The water was water whether it was interacting with our senses or not. We know it is all just water. The only difference was spin. This is the importance of spin in creating the material world.

Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity produced a shocking prediction. His equations predicted that there were points of infinite density in the universe. Since the bigger an object the stronger its gravity, and since a dense object will be heavier per square inch than one of low density, a point of infinite density would create a point of infinitely strong gravity. It would mean that there would be points where everything goes in and would get stuck there, even light. These theoretical points, called singularities or black holes would be terrifying indeed. Once in one, you would never be able to get out of it. It would swallow everything in its path.

Since the time of this prediction, many black holes have been found. Nassim postulated early on that there is a black hole in the middle of every galaxy. Though the scientific community did not respond favorably to his idea, they have found numerous galaxies with black holes in them, including our own galaxy, the Milky Way. It is slowly becoming “common knowledge” that of course black holes are in the middle of galaxies. It is the glue that holds them together.

Another anomaly found in Einstein’s theory is the idea that there is infinite density in every spot in space, not just at certain points. This idea was so far out that the scientists of the day could not deal with it. Small infinities are fine in physics. They are so small you can just throw them out. Large infinities are another thing altogether. Physics does not do well with large infinities. You can’t use them in equations because they blow up everything you are trying to calculate. They are completely unwieldy. In this case, the very idea of infinite density everywhere in space was just not even comprehendible and obviously not true as here we are in space, moving through it and so it therefore can’t be of infinite density.

Since this idea was so unwieldy and unusable in calculations and counter-intuitive, the scientists decided to cap it to limit it and make it usable. They took a very large number, a 10 with 92 zeros after it and called this the universal constant. This particular number does very well at making their equations work and physics students are taught to use it in calculations because it gives you the right answer. Students are not taught where it came from or what it actually represents. It represents the idea that there is infinite density of something undefined in every point in space. That includes inner and outer space. The space in- between our electrons and nuclei, the space in our atmosphere and that of outer space, which well trained scientists refer to as “the vacuum”. According to Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity, the vacuum of outer space is the exact opposite from being a vacuum. It is the most densely filled anything anywhere in the universe. This idea was for the most part ignored by mainstream physics. Other than the universal constant, the current scientific model does not mention or teach the infinite density of every point of space.

Nassim looked at this and asked a few questions. What if this were true? What would that look like? What if, instead of being empty, space were packed infinitely densely with stuff? What would that stuff be? How could it stay there? If it is there, how come we don’t feel it or are not aware of it? All through the ages scientists, philosophers and sages have talked about “the ethers” and spoke of that which connects all things. What is the one thing that is everywhere? What is the one thing that touches everything? Space. That is the only thing that touches everything in the universe. It is the one common denominator that everything in the universe shares with everything else. What if it were not empty at all? What difference would that make?

The answer may lie in black holes, the singularities. Could it really be possible that everything goes in but nothing comes out of a black hole? That is what we are told. The atoms that go into a black hole get crushed down. All the space separating the nucleus and the electrons would be squeezed out of it by the force of gravity, which is infinitely strong in a black hole. Then what?

According to Nassim, the atomic particles themselves get crushed into the smallest things known in our universe. These little guys are not material. They aren’t even energy. Let’s call them bits of information. They are little tiny oscillators called planks. They were discovered and quantified by Max Plank, a friend and mentor of Einstein, hence the name planks. They are really, really small, and they are the building blocks of everything in our universe. Are they the smallest thing the universe has ever made? Probably not, but they are what Nassim calls the pixel size for our universe. There is no space in a plank, but there are lots and lots of planks in space. They are the stuff of creation.

So the black hole takes materials, energy and space into its gravitational tractor beam, drags it into its spinning crusher, grinds it all down, squeezing out the space and atomizing the atoms back into the planks from which they came, pressurizing everything enormously in the process.It then expels pure planks out the other side of the black hole vortex at great speed and very high temperatures. These planks go shooting out far away from the black hole, eventually slowing down, cooling off and forming into material again, such as stars, planets, lima beans, carrots, water and sunshine.

Ok. So what does all this have to do with what is a proton? How does it tie in? To understand this, we have to look at the structure of space. In our little story, space is now filled with a nearly infinite number of planks. In fact, that universal constant tells us just how many planks are in there. We have 10 to the 93rd (that is 10 with 92 zeros after it) grams of planks per cubic centimeter. A cubic centimeter is about the size of a sugar cube. So how much stuff is in a sugar cube of space? If you took all the stars and all of the energy we know of in the entire universe, crushed them down into one sugar cube of space you would have 10 to the 53rd grams in there. That is a 10 with 52 zeros after it. That is 40 zeros, also known as orders of magnitude, less than what is already in there!

This is to say, there is enough stuff of creation in one sugar cube of space to build an entire new universe the size of our own and have lots of stuff left over. This means that “empty space” is actually literally teaming with more information than it took to build our entire universe.

Our new picture of space is that it is filled with a kajillion tiny little oscillators or bits of information. Much like our tub full of water, empty space is full of something which looks like nothing until the somethings move coherently together, such as the water molecules at the drain. In space, when the planks start to move together coherently, they make a vortex. This vortex behaves similarly to the vortex in the tub. Once it gets spinning it takes on new properties. It becomes matter. It becomes a proton. This is the proton that is inside the atom of everything in the material world. It is the process of creation. This is why everything in the universe spins, because it is the spinning that gives it the unique qualities of matter.

Now, I know, conventional scientists are having a hard time accepting this idea of protons. It is radically divergent from our “billiard ball” model of quantum particles. But just play along with me here and lets see what we get.

Scientists have long known about the strong force which holds protons together in the atom, but all they know about it is its existence and its strength. What if this plank vortex we just called a proton were actually a teeny tiny black hole? What unique properties would it exhibit? If we were to calculate the attractive force between two proton sized black holes, we would get... drum roll please... the EXACT force of attraction of the strong force. Not just close to, not just approximately, but the same number within the experimental margin of error. We now have the first explanation of what the strong force is, how it is generated and why it is so steady. Every aspect of the strong force which has been observed is accurately described mathematically and observationally by the black hole model of the proton. The strong force is the force of gravity. It is the same force that keeps the planets orbiting the sun, the sun orbiting in the Milky Way and keeps you from jumping off the Earth.

So if the proton is a black hole, the strong force is gravity. If the strong force is actually the special case of gravity found in the black hole, then the Unified Field Theory of Physics is no longer a mystery. All things big and small operate under the same set of rules. Newton’s equations hold inside the atom as well as outside the atom.

What difference does it make to define the proton as a very small black hole? Why should we consider this as a very real possibility?

1) The idea originated from a long ignored piece of Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity, which is a highly regarded piece of work in the scientific community
2) It precisely defines what the strong force is, where it comes from and how it works.
3) From this new definition of the strong force the Unified Field Theory of Physics is easily understood.
4) With the Unified Field Theory defined we have a whole new list of possible sources of energy and abilities in the very near future which could completely change the trajectory of man’s legacy on this planet.

To sum up: Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity included a large infinity that scientists of that day until now decided to ignore other than using it as a mathematical constant for computations. When that large infinity is brought into the discussion of possibility, it suggests that protons are formed when planks spin together making proton sized black holes, the building blocks of all things material. This new description of protons explains the phenomena at the very source of the current rift in physics and lays the groundwork to define the formerly elusive Unified Field Theory of Physics. This discovery could completely change man’s relationship to everything in the material world.